from Saguenay to Øresund

5 October 2015

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Monday 5 October 2015--So much for Malmö. We take the train back across the Øresund Bridge, past the airport, into Copenhagen. Our hotel is not far from the station, but we are too early to check in, so we kill some time at a café down the block. We've chosen the hotel for both location and price, and we aren't expecting much--it's just a place to sleep. When we get to our room, we find it a little more dire even than we're prepared for. I've stayed in worse, I guess. The neighborhood is a bit dodgy, too. That caf was okay, and there are some nice restaurants around, but there are also signs of unsavory and illicit activity on the street. We'll keep our eyes open, coming and going.

We take a walk up along Sankt J rgens Sø, one of the three rectangular lakes, laid end-to-end, that are one of the city's most distinctive topographical features. The earliest, Peblinge Sø, dates to the early Middle Ages, and Sortedams Sø and Sankt Jørgens Sø followed in the 16th century. The lakes were given their regular rectangular form in the early 18th century. The original purpose of all this was defensive, and the lakes provided drinking water until the mid-18th century. Now they are ornamental, with walking and cycling paths alongside. We stroll up to the Metro stop at the Forum, and ride down to Amagerbro, a neighborhood south of the city center. Jan, last seen in Edinburgh on 25 October 2008, is waiting for us in the Lergravsparken Metro station. He takes us to his flat and very graciously provides us with a significant volume of whisky and beer. I met Jan through one of the online whisky forums, years agone. Almost all of the forum folk that I've met in person have been fine and friendly gentlemen, none any more so than Jan.

It's getting on toward dinnertime. Jan suggests Ravelinen, a traditional Danish restaurant overlooking the Christianshavn bastions. You'd hardly know you were in the city here--the place has very much a country feel.

After dinner, Jan heads for home, and Win and I walk back toward the city center. On the way back to the hotel, we find a brewpub called Brewpub. How imaginative. We have a last pint and wobble off to our beds.


Copenhagen Central Station

Tourist At Pigeon Roundabout

Sankt Jørgens Sø

Win attempts to impress Jan and me by manifesting his Ka

Lergravsparken Metro Station



Blekingegade, Amagerbro




Copenhagen Central Station


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